Tuesday, February 27, 2007

States Side

Michelle and I wanted to take a trip to North Dakota for some shopping, Mexican food and generally just to relax a bit, and so we were planning on making the trip with some friends. Unfortunately we weren't able to go the weekend everyone was planning (March 9-11th) because Michelle is taking a course and it happens to be on Sunday. We thought maybe we could still go and just come home early on Sunday but with the time change happening (make sure to set your clocks) and the fact we have to cross the border, Michelle was just a little bit nervous. So we decided to put those plans on hold. Funny enough, my Mom and Dad were planning to go this weekend and asked if we wanted to meet them down there. As it turns out Michelle didn't have a class this weekend so it worked out perfectly. So we are going to go get some American money and drive to Grand Forks. I was hoping to go to Fargo but I guess I will settle... Coincedently, we are staying at the Settle Inn... (Is that Cheezy) . Honestly, I can't make this stuff up...

So as I was saying we are going to go do some shopping and fill our need for Mexican food. I was thinking that maybe I could also stop by Theif River Falls and check out the Arctic Cat Plant. I wonder if they give tours. I heard that they have a snowmobile trail to the plant and people drive their sleds to work. I wonder if you are allowed to drive a Polaris to work...

So I was hoping people might give me some ideas of good stores to go to, or places to check out while I am States Side.

By the way, for the people that are hitting the states next weekend, pick up a TV Times from the Saturday Free Press, there are a bunch of good coupons for cheaper hotel rates. We are paying 55 Bucks a night.

Check out our "fromage" hotel: http://www.settleinn.com/grand-forks-settle-inn.html

By the way, I hope they have Krispy Kreme donuts at the gas station, because I am going to clean them out! I might actually make a special trip to Fargo just for those!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Operation myMuzik

Thanks for all of the feedback about the websites (specifically the myMuzik.ca website). I am getting to the point where I am happy with what I have. I know it isn't "professional" but that really isn't the point. Basically I am just waiting for content and then we will be finished. I also want to put a stat counter to see how many people actually visit the site and where they are coming from...

One of the features that I really like is the timetable which is dynamic. Basically Michelle can change the schedule on her own because it is connected to a database. Really cool eh! Ok, so it isn't "cool" per say... But I am proud none the less.

I have a couple of people interested in hosting their websites on my server so that is cool. I wouldn't mind off setting the costs a little bit. I realized that it is a little more expensive to have it at my house than originally thought. The good thing is that I have control of it.

So check it out again www.myMuzik.ca (Terry get over the spelling!) and let me know what you think of the almost finished product. Keep in mind there are no pictures and content yet. That is the next stage.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Family Camp

Well it has been a while since I last posted to this blog. It feels like I am all Blogged out…

So here is the update. Two weeks ago I was commissioned as the Rowandale Family Camp Dean. My role was simple, keep 125 adults and children in line for a weekend at camp. It is a natural role for me, since I love project management, but it was a challenge none the less. It was toug
h because Michelle was being a good sport and came along for the weekend. Her fear was that I would be off snowmobiling or something and she would be left behind with the women talking about babies and stuff like that. Or worse, she would be sitting by herself and no one would talk to her. Well I am happy to say that I didn’t leave her to go snowmobiling, however my role as dean made it so that I didn’t have a chance to sit down and eat with her. Since I was the dean, I had to decide which table eat first and that meant that I ate last… Over all it was a good weekend. Saturday we gave the kids rides on the snowmobiles, and even Michelle was out there taking the kids for rides.

Which leads me to my next thought. Michelle has been telling me how she doesn’t like the hills. She
is scared of falling off the sled. I took her for a ride up a really steep hill and she did survive. Well when we got back to the other people I asked her if she wanted to take someone for a ride, and so she did. She went the same path that I took her, up the steep hill…. Unfortunately she jumped the road and went down the other side and got stuck in a creek. Fortunately she didn’t hurt herself. When she didn’t come back right away, my mind was going crazy, I thought maybe she might have fallen through the ice or something. We sent out a mini search party, and found her being helped out of the creek by some helpful strangers. Michelle was so embarrassed.

So that was basically the weekend.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Webmaster DES

Apparently I like to create websites. I just recently decided to get business Internet which basically allows me to host websites and email at home. I did this because I was paying someone to host a website for me... www.stonebuilder.ca ... and I wanted to help Michelle with some marketing so I figured she should have a website too. So I got it set up for the most part. Some things are still working themselves out, like transferring my website from the old server to the new one, and I am working on Michelle's new website. The name of her business is Michelle's Muzik and so we are building a site called www.mymuzik.ca I would be interested in your thoughts on the site. Mostly I am looking for some constructive criticism. Since it is still a work in process, it is not complete by any means, but I am looking for advice or comments about the layout and such.

Let me know what you think.

By the way, if you want to host a website, I would be more than willing to host it for you for a very minimal charge (basically just to cover costs).